4 Star Hotels in Rishikesh
Basically, when you go out for spending your vacation, you aim to get served with the finest facilities even if the costs are higher. If you have decided a vacation in Rishikesh, then why don’t you choose the most above just.
The 4-star hotels feature:- Exquisite menus
- CCTV surveillance
- Exclusively free Wi-Fi
- Convenient laundry
- Recommendable furnishing
- Luxury suites, spas, and multiple restaurants
- 24/7 assistance that the staff offers
- Security and luxury assistance
A star rated hotel is completely different from normal accommodation services, as they are like the paradise on earth.
Rishikesh Inn
- 1 Night 2 Days
- Rafting
- 1 Rafting (16 Km)
- Breakfast/Dinner(Veg)
- Wifi/Parking/Pool/ Gymnasium/Health Club/ Conference Hall/ Ayurveda Centre/ Cloakroom
Hotel Ganga Kinare
- 1 Night 2 Days
- Rafting
- 1 Rafting (16 Km)
- Breakfast/Dinner(Veg)
- Wifi/Parking/Pool/ Gymnasium/Health Club/ Conference Hall/ Ayurveda Centre/ Cloakroom
Note : *The prices and the costs that have been mentioned above may vary according to market value and are equally applied to the customers purchasing the services.